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Below are some common questions from parents or carers who attend sessions. Please read through these as they may help answer some questions you have or prepare you better for your time with me.

What happens if the weather is forecast to be bad on the day of my session?

Sessions will go ahead, no matter the weather, provided it is safe to do so. This means I will only cancel due to weather in the event of the MET office forecasting; very high winds (gusts are over 40mph) causing risk of injury by falling branches/trees/debris or a RED weather warning (lightning storms or severe flooding rendering site inaccessible). 

I will let you know if I need to cancel by 8am at the latest for a morning session.

Will I get a refund if a session is cancelled?

Yes! If I have to cancel due to bad weather, not reaching the minimum number of bookings or due to sudden/unforeseen circumstances I will offer you a refund or to be transferred to al alternative session if available. 

Does my child need to wear anything particular to forest school?

Yes, in order for them to get the most enjoyment out of the session, it's best if they are comfortable in the outdoors, no matter the weather and that means wearing outerwear which is suitable for the weather. As this is so important I have created a seasonal guide which you can find under the 'Appropriate Outerwear' section in the Terms and Conditions.

It is also important for you, or whoever attending with the child, is dressed appropriately so you can enjoy the session as well!

In summary, wearing a long top and long trousers, whatever the weather, is recommended and comfortable shoes/boots. Always stick an extra layer in your bag as it can be colder in the shade of the trees and bring a waterproof layer too in case of unexpected showers! A spare pair of clothes if you're going on somewhere after is also recommended. 

Please note, I will always carry some spare layers on me so don't worry if you forget something or don't want to commit to buying something just yet.

Do I need to bring anything with me for sessions?

Aside of extra layers and waterproofs, please bring along a water bottle which can be refilled if needed, I will provide extra drinking water if needed. I usually provide a small, heathy snack as part of the session and/or a warm drink in the colder months but if your child has any particular allergies or preferences you might want to bring your own. Please also bring any regular medication your child might need or for use in an emergency such as epipens.

Is there a toilet on site?

There is not a toilet at the Blondin Park Forest School site so please ensure your child has toileted before they come or bring a portable potty with you if they are still training. There are toilets at Blondin Park Pavilion, a short walk away from the site, so available if needed.

What happens in the case of an accident?

As children spend more and more time in the outdoors they are far less likely to injure themselves as they develop an understanding of their own capabilities and the risks around them. However, accidents can and do still happen from time to time. In the case of minor injuries, I have a Forest School and Paediatric First Aid qualification so I am happy to assist your child if you wish me to and always have a well stocked First Aid kit with me.

In the unlikely event of more serious injuries, medical staff will be contacted as per my Medical Emergency Procedure (please ask for a copy of this is you would like to see it) and I will attend to your child until they arrive.

What's my responsibility as a carer/parent during sessions?

The ultimate aim of Forest School sessions is for them to be learner-led. By this I mean the participant is choosing what they want to do throughout rather than being adult-led/taught. That doesn't mean I won't offer activities which I run/lead, usually at the start, as these offer opportunities for children to discover new skills they may enjoy and want to pursue further. They also help participants to get into a state of 'flow' which is not usually achievable when they first start attending sessions. However, there is no pressure to participate in activities I lead and it's not bad/wrong if they choose not to so I will always have other activities on hand.  Your role as a carer/parent is therefore to facilitate this learner-led process as much as possible and just focus on keeping your child safe and following the 'Agreements' we make at the start of every session. These Agreements are:

  1. Be kind to nature

  2. Be kind to each other

  3. Be kind to yourself


How do you manage behaviour during sessions?

In circumstances where the Agreements above are not observed I like to work with the child to try and deal with the issue and understand what might be causing it. I take the view that ‘bad/naughty’ behaviour is down to a lack of a certain need and try to understand what that need might be rather than reprimand the behaviour. The aim is to facilitate and coach children to develop positive intrinsic strategies rather than trying to change their behaviour extrinsically through rewards.

During Forest school sessions I hope to promote and develop in all participants:

  • Self - esteem, independence and a motivation to learn

  • Respect for each other, the natural environment and for oneself

  • An understanding of the value of collaborative behaviour

  • The confidence to manage risk whilst feeling safe and supported

  • A recognition of one's strengths and achievements and a sense of pride

  • An understanding that behaviour is a form of communication

How do I find the sessions at Blondin Park?

Blondin Park map of FS.png

The sessions are in the Forest School site, within the nature area in Blondin Park. I will meet you in the wooden log circle just up the path from the entrance of the site which is marked here by the arrow from the image. I will have the wooden sign up so just walk around the path until you see it if you're coming from one of the entrances to the East of the site.

If you are unfamiliar with the site, you can access the park via one of the three entrances on the map, depending on where you will be travelling from.  There are numerous bus routes to Blondin Park via Northfields Avenue or Boston Manor Road plus you can get the tube to either station and it's a short walk.

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