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Terms and Conditions


Definitions in these terms and conditions

  • WMFS means Wild Minds Forest School which I, Sarah Harris, trade under as a sole trader

  • The customer means any person, firm, company or other legal entity which places an order or uses any services from WMFS and includes (where relevant) the employees, agents or sub-contractors of any such person, firm company or other legal entity

  • Service means any session or work offered by WMFS

  • Contract means a contract between WMFS and the customer for the provision of services

  • Terms and Conditions means these terms and conditions of provision


Booking conditions

  • The Contract shall be formed when WMFS acknowledges acceptance of the customer’s booking and required payment, usually via a booking form submitted via the WMFS website

  • Completion of a Booking form with Medical/Parental Consent completed by the customer will also be treated as an acceptance 

  • Participation in forest school sessions entails some risk of injury. A certified Level 3 Forest School practitioner who has received appropriate training will lead all sessions and will manage the risk level of all activities. They will have a Forest School and paediatrics first aid certificate. However, customers need to accept that accidents and injuries can happen and consent is needed for children who are left unattended at session so they can receive medical treatment, including transportation to a doctor or hospital, which may be deemed advisable in the event of injury, accident and/or illness 

  • Any participant under the age of 18 years must have the permission of his/her carer/parent/guardian with legal responsibility before being able to take part in any activity offered by WMFS. The carer/parent/guardian with legal responsibility needs to be aware and accept the risks involved in outdoor activities and satisfy themselves accordingly

  • The customer is responsible for the safekeeping of all equipment issued for use during the activity. With the exception of fair wear and tear, WMFS reserves the right to charge for equipment that has been lost or misused

  • All bookings are on the basis that the customer will, at all times, observe the safety regulations set by WMFS

  • In Child and carer sessions, the parent/carer is responsible for the child they accompany at all times and must remain on site

  • At Forest School parties, parents/organisers are responsible for the supervision of children, the number needed will be specified in advance 

  • The Contract is subject to availability of a session place/date and the acceptance by the customer of these terms and conditions

  • Neither WMFS website, nor literature constitutes an offer and WMFS may, without prior notice, change the services; stop providing the services or any features of the services we offer; or create limits for the services. We may permanently or temporarily terminate or suspend access to the services without notice and liability for any reason, or for no reason correct errors or omissions to its published prices at any time, change the services or terminate them.   


Amendments to booking by the customer

  • Substitution of the original customer for another can be made provided at least 24 hours notice is given to WMFS by telephone or email to and the substituting customer completes the necessary booking form before participating in the session

  • Customers can transfer their booking to another date/time if they provide at least 72 hours notice

  • Until the customer has received confirmation of the amendment the original booking remains valid


Cancellations by WMFS

  • If there are the minimum number of participants, sessions will go ahead whatever the weather, and WMFS cannot refund payments if a customer decides not to attend due to weather conditions on the day. In the unusual event that weather conditions mean WMFS has to cancel the session for safety reasons (very high winds causing risk of falling branches/debris, lightning storms, severe flooding rendering the site inaccessible) WMFS will issue a full refund of fees paid or move your booking to another available date if preferred

  • If there are not the minimum number of bookings and in the unlikely event a session leader has to cancel due to illness or unforeseen circumstances, WMFS reserves the right to cancel the session and move/refund your booking fee depending on your preference or availability of other sessions

  • Session sizes described on the website are target sizes and may be increased or decreased at the discretion of WMFS


Cancellations by the customer

  • All sessions and session block bookings are non-refundable but amendments can be made as detailed in the section above ‘Amendments to Bookings by Customer’

Medical declaration

  • The medical section on the booking form must be completed as part of the booking process. All relevant or serious illnesses, allergies and dietary requirements of child participants must be declared

  • As a parent/carer it is your responsibility to update WMFS via email to with any relevant information regarding your child’s health and wellbeing should anything occur between the time of declaration and the session. This will ensure the safety and enjoyment for all participants attending forest school

  • Customers participating in sessions/activities can, on occasions, expect to be involved in adventurous activities. Although prior experience and/or training is not necessary on all the sessions, customers are expected to be of good general health 

  • The customer must satisfy themselves that taking part in the session is within their own and their child’s capabilities

  • Although very unlikely, WMFS reserves the right to refuse a booking on medical grounds if it is considered to be detrimental to the safety and smooth running of the session

  • It is really important that any relevant medication that you or your child requires must be brought to any session for general preventative measures or in case of an emergency.  If a child arrives for a session without their medication, then the session leader reserves the right to refuse entry (for the protection of both child and staff/volunteers)


Safety regulations

Sessions take place in natural environment where there are natural hazards and risks to manage. All risks are assessed and managed and every effort will be made by WMFS staff to provide briefings which outline and minimise this risk. Customers participating are expected to comply with all safety guidance given.


Appropriate outerwear

Dressing appropriately for the weather is essential to enjoying your experience in the woods. The following seasonal guide will help ensure you and/or your child are prepared. If a child is not dressed appropriately for a session, WMFS reserves the right to send that child home if we can't provide suitable options to keep them comfortable.


Despite days being longer and sunnier, the weather can still be very rainy, fresh and cold in Spring, especially under the shade of the trees, so participants should be prepared for this. 

They should:

  • wear long sleeved tops, even on warmer days 

  • bring extra warm layers including a warm hat 

  • wear full length trousers/leggings 

  • bring/wear a waterproof jacket and waterproof trousers

  • wear socks which can be pulled up to protect ankles from brambles, stings and bites!

  • wear waterproof shoes or wellies/boots or sturdy trainers if not available

  • wear and bring suncream but I will also have a supply


Weather likely to be warmer than spring so participants should:

  • wear looser, breathable cotton (or similar) long sleeve tops 

  • wear looser, breathable cotton (or similar) trousers

  • bring warm layers as it can still get chilly in the shade for a long period and on cooler days 

  • bring/wear a thin waterproof jacket and trousers

  • wear socks which can be pulled up to protect ankles from brambles, stings and bites!

  • wear turdy boots/trainers

  • sunhat and suncream are essential

  • lip balm with spf can be useful


Same as Spring - pretty much need to be prepared for all weather conditions as can be warm or cold, rainy or dry!


In winter, participants should be prepared for extreme weather conditions to ensure they remain comfortable even in the coldest of weather. They should:

  • wear base/thermal tops and bottoms 

  • wear at least one warm layer like a fleece 

  • bring extra layers as these build more insulation than fewer layers

  • wear warm hats, gloves and scarves

  • wear a warm waterproof jacket 

  • bring/wear waterproof trousers (ski ones are a good option or thin waterproofs with a base layer underneath), ideally which breathe to avoid building condensation underneath

  • wear warm, wool or thermal socks, consider two pairs on very cold days 

  • wear lined wellingtons or waterproof boots

  • wear/bring a lip balm as can be helpful if the participant's lips are sensitive to the cold



  • Parents should ensure their children have used the toilet before the start if the session.

  • For stay and play sessions parent can take their child to toilet as they wish. Some parents choose to bring portable potties to use with their child.

  • During holiday camps or if a parent/carer is not present, then a member of WMFS team will walk them down to the toilets at the pavilion. The leader of the session will decide whether two members of staff are able to go, as long as this doesn’t leave them short staffed at the main site.

  • The member of staff in attendance with the child will ensure there is no one else in the toilet cubicle and will direct the child to the empty cubicle. They will then remain on the outside of the toilet, ensuring no one enters. They will have view of the closed cubicle door but will not assist in toileting, as all of our children dropped off must be independent with their toileting.



WMFS have a safeguarding policy and procedure followed by all staff & volunteers; it is available to parents/carers on request. If you have any concerns relating to the welfare of a child, then please do contact us at in the first instance. However, you can refer directly to the Children’s Services or the Police if you feel a child is in imminent danger. WMFS practitioners cannot promise confidentiality to a child in the event of a disclosure, it is our legal obligation to record and share a disclosure appropriately to the referral team. 


Feedback or concerns

WMFS encourages all participants to give feedback about their experience. We want to be  approachable and encourage you to talk to us about any concern relating to your time with us. We appreciate that sometimes it can feel difficult raising concerns, we really want to listen and help where we can, please contact us via email at if something is bothering you or speak to us in person at the start or end of a session.



From time to time photographs taken on sessions may appear in promotional material. If customers do not wish their children to be photographed please note in the booking form and raise this with the session leader when attending.


Protecting your privacy

Any personal information stored electronically is password protected and will only be used for planning and preparation of sessions and will not be shared with any 3rd parties. Any paperwork with personal information relating to adults or children attending sessions will be stored securely until an appropriate time when they are no longer required and will be disposed of/destroyed sensitively. Please see WMFS Privacy Policy for more details.



WMFS will not be liable where any failure in the performance of the Contract is due to: you; or a third party unconnected with the provision of the session and where the failure is unforeseeable or unavoidable; any other unusual and unforeseeable circumstances beyond WMFS control, the consequences of which could not have been avoided even if all due care had been exercised; or an event which WMFS or its suppliers, even with all due care, could not foresee or forestall. WMFS shall not be liable for any illness, injury or loss of life sustained on any session, except where such illness, injury or loss of life is caused by the negligence of WMFS or its employees, nor will WMFS be liable for any uninsured loss of personal property.

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